What a wonderful weekend we had with CNY and Valentines Sunday. We started the day off visiting our friend's church, wonderful message- Angie and I prayed for our children on the other side of the planet, We met the Dinn family a few months after they returned from China with Josh....Stinkin Cute!!!! About the same time we started the paper chased for Ian they Found Joy...from her pictures a perfect name!! We have been on this journey together and hope to travel the same time. I don't think Angie knows how much her friendship has made the wait easier. After church we all went down to China Town for the wonderful New Years Celebration . I loved watching McKenna make new friends holding hands and riding with Faith and Grace. I noticed one really cool thing our kids got to see Adopted Families and Chinese Families at the celebration. This may sound weird but or kiddos are with mixed cultures and families. We are looking for more events like CNY to give them exposure to their heritage.
Update on the Zhi Kang's adoption, we have received I800 approval and are WAITING again on the Travel Approval. The Chinese Trade Show starts the 2nd week of April and hotel and airfare costs increase, this could have me traveling the first week in May. I have emailed a few hotels to see if they have any available rooms in April....the answer is yes but they will not give prices. I am so ready to bring my little man home and get to know him.......10 THINGS...We want to know about Ian.
1- Is he shy?
2- Does he like to laugh?
3- Will he like Mexican food? This is a big one for Mommy!
4- Does he have a temper like Tommy?
5- Is he going to like having a Big Dog?
6- Will he let McKenna boss his around....we hope not!
7- Is he an outside kind of kid?
8- Will he like being hugged and kissed all the time? we will give this time?
9- Does he like to share?
10- Is he a heavy sleeper or light?
We are getting so excited that he will be home for his 5th birthday and all the other first big events.