I read some very sad news last night from a blog friend. Ms. C had received a child's file with photo and was in the process of reviewing the information....then was called and informed the child could no longer be considered for adoption. This could mean one or two things.....the child had become very ill or had passed away. The thought of a child dying without ever knowing the love of family breaks my heart. We adopting parents fall in love with a photograph first and then the long journey begins to build a relationship. You could compare it to a sonogram without the physical connection. I don't understand why people find adoption love so strange.....do you love your husband or wife less than your siblings or extended family?? Why is so hard to expect love of photograph of a child you have never met as powerful and binding? The last nine months have physically hurt me at times and emotionally brought me to my knees. I pray every minute of every day for all my children....the same as any other Mother. Please, pray for the child in the photograph and the family that grieves her passing.