My Dad is in the hospital with a broken leg! He had a blower on his back, became dizzy and fell. I had Deja Vu of when I was sent to stay with my uncle in Hawaii for the summer at age eleven. The day of my return, my father fell off the roof during a storm cleaning the gutters. When we finally found him he was screaming at me to get help. I FROZE!! He never forgave me. That summer he unleashed his disappointment and destroyed whatever trust we had. I never felt safe again in my parents' house. Weird....how one day can change you forever. The drive to the hospital was spent mad at my husband. Why? He didn't answer his phone. It wasn't that he didn't pick up the phone, he left me to face the crazy alone. I stayed with my mother and helped in all the ways a daughter should.....but the rage. Dad wanted to be in control and he let me know it......his is no longer in control. He can no longer walk on his own or drive. Is the lack of control what makes him crazy? I stood in the emergency room and tried to make jokes and make this man happy. What? yes, happy...............