How many of you remember the movie "MASK" with Cher??? The scene where they are in the fun house and the son looks in the weird mirror and looks like a typical kid. I have the same mirror but it makes me look 30 not 47. It's hard for me to wrap my brain around being so close to 50...YIKES!!!! In my twenties the best word to describe me was SKINNY, now not so much. I have always been a blue jean girl so my style is not that different from my early years.......just the size!!! I look in that crazy mirror and see a more confident person that has changed her priorities but where has time gone? My mother's side of the family has longevity and one of my great aunts lived to 99 and looked fabulous. My Mom- Robby McLendon...AKA NiNi is radiant and still makes my father swoon. I just saying when your favorite music is played on the oldie station and you drive a mini van and wear glasses.....your youth has passed and middle age has happened. I want to give thanks to Ms. Clairol and Ms. Lancome for helping me not go quietly into old age.